Shy singer-songwriter on a journey to be heard.
"My endeavour no longer seems like a pipe dream and instead it’s an actual achievable milestone in my life."
My endeavour is to become a successful music artist and make releasing and performing my own music my career.For years I have studied songwriting and written a massive backlog of songs and written for other artists but I was never really satisfied with this. It took me a long time to realise that I wanted to be in the spotlight performing my own songs. In my endeavour I’m going to release and promote my first single and first album release.
What impact do you want to have by bringing your endeavour alive and into the world?
I think I have always had a strong connection with music and always used it as an outlet for my feelings. There are definitely songs that have helped me through hard times, heartbreak and good times. I hope that once my music is out there in the world, it will have that effect on some one else.
Which Make_Happen distinction do you use the most or has impacted you the most?
Forgive me because I never remember the names of anything, so you can edit this or rephrase it if you need to. The distinctions that have most effected me are: The distinction that the only time is now. This has definitely motivated me to do things when I find myself saying “I’ll do It tomorrow”. When tomorrow rolls around it’ll be now and I’ll probably out it off until tomorrow again. By reminding myself the only time that exists is now, it prompts me to do those little things that I would have otherwise pushed aside. Another distinction that helps me be more productive and helps me relieve the sense of overwhelm is thinking of your next step. Your next step is always way smaller than you imagine it is. Most of the time my next step is just opening my laptop not, in fact, releasing an entire album.
How has being a part of Make_Happen influenced your creative process?
Being part of Make Happen has made me a lot more productive and forthcoming about my creative endeavours. It has also made me view things in a new way. My endeavour no longer seems like a pipe dream and instead it’s an actual achievable milestone in my life.
Where do you envision yourself in 5 years in relation to your endeavour?
In 5 years I see myself recording my third album.