On a mission to bring Tattoo art to the Tate!
My Current Endeavour is to create a world in which tattoo art can hang in art galleries. This is through exhibitions in galleries, articles in magazines and a book, Im also working on the possibility of an official accreditation which would allow apprentices to be paid whilst learning the skills. I just want to create more freedom of choice from a creative stand, allowing Tattooing to be viewed as a legitimate and creative career as well making the client/artist relationship more collaborative, resulting in better art and body positivity.
What is the Make Happen distinction you use the most?
The “One Thing” probably is the distinction that I use the most throughout my life, it’s applicable to so many other parts of my life. Although “Frames” probably helps me the most in my endeavour.
How has the Masters programme benefited you?
It has given me a structure and discipline, I was kinda awash before this and was just throwing stuff at the wall with no idea what would stick or even what sticking looked like.
What successes have you had?
I'm only halfway through the course and I have already had an article published in largest magazine in my industry (INKED) but I’m also finalising my first art show in London, the artists I’m working with are from all over the globe and have a massive digital reach. A lot of these artists have also agreed to other exhibitions as and when I can organise them. I also have an art history exhibition in 2025 that will run for 3 months and has been fully funded by the National Lottery heritage fund.
What would you advise new students on this programme?
I would advise them to fully embrace everything, sometimes it really hurts and feels difficult but there’s a good chance the problem is you and the frames you’ve put yourself in. I would advise taking the time to shine a light on them and work out what’s actually serving you