Module 1 : Practice and Process
How does my practice look like?/How do I establish what I want?
Content (Indicative)
In this module, students will explore various creative and production processes, emphasising experimentation, drafting, and prototyping. They will develop their own working methodologies while considering collaboration and workability in creative practice. Through self-reflection and leadership, students will understand the central role of participation and engagement in creating impactful content. Students will develop:
Techniques for drafting and prototyping creative projects
Skills in collaboration and communication within a production team
Developing personal methodologies for content creation
Experimentation with different creative genres and formats
Skills in self-reflection, self-direction, and leadership in creative practice
Analysis of various case studies and best practices in the industry
Teaching and Learning Experience
Fieldwork, Practical, Seminar, Tutorial, Workshop, Peer review and learning, Peer group study, Webinar, Digital learning, Independent study, Self-directed study
Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs)
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
Display a consummate ability to select various creative and production processes suitable for a task, and to integrate professional drafting and prototyping techniques crucial within a context of creativity.
Critically analyse their personal methodologies and processes for content creation - considering collaboration, workability and leadership in order to successfully produce work in chosen discipline.'
Demonstrate a deep understanding of audience engagement dynamics and critically evaluate the influence of different genres and formats on audience interaction and the overall effectiveness of work in a chosen creative field.
Display the ability to critically reflect on personal creative work, assessing its effectiveness and relevance within the broader context of the creative process, demonstrating self-direction, leadership skills, and an understanding of the role of collaboration in enhancing creative outcomes.