Module 2 : Action Research
How do I get comfortable evolving what I'm doing whilst sharing it with others?
Content (Indicative)
In this module, students will be introduced to action research and design thinking methodologies and their application in the field of creative practice. They will learn how to identify research questions, design and implement an action research project, and reflect on the results to improve their practice. Students will develop:
Understanding of action research principles and similar methodologies
Skills in identifying and formulating research questions relevant to creativity
Experience in designing and implementing action research/design thinking projects
The habit of prototyping and sharing work early in their process
Skills in reflecting on and evaluating the effectiveness of their research
Teaching and Learning Experience
Seminar, Tutorial, Workshop, Independent study, Self-directed study, Digital learning, Group discussion, Peer review and learning
Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs)
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
Critically analyse the principles and methodologies of action research and/or designing thinking and its relevance to creativity.
Demonstrate a deep understanding of the principles of research in the context of creativity and increasing diversity of participation.
Articulate a sophisticated understanding of the principles of action research and/or design thinking, and its place in creative study, whilst being able to implement an action research/design-thinking approach cycle effectively.
Reflect on and critically evaluate the effectiveness of action research/design thinking projects in improving creative practice and access to the creative arts.